Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
Joined October 2017
An enthusiastic volunteer -The reason why I started volunteering is because helping people gives meaning to my life and changes me from being purely self-centered to being something with meaning for... See More
Co&Coal is a project initiated under ENACTUS UUM, which aspires to improve the living standard and quality of life of the underprivileged in northern region of Malaysia by using entrepreneurial action. Coconut, which has high utilization value is the main ingredient in this project.
However, most of the coconut shell waste is thrown away due to the lack of knowledge of the coconut milk sellers’ on proper ways to dispose them. Through this project, we are turning the coconut shell waste into marketable product, the coconut charcoal, subsequently reduce the environmental issues. We are also tackling various environmental issues while fostering entrepreneurs with this sustainable “Go-green” concept. In this project, we are empowering our target audiences with the necessary skills and knowledge on how to transform the coconut shells waste into high quality charcoal with simple Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that is designed by us.
For now, one of our target audiences, who goes by the name MakSu is now independent and able to sustain herself with our product which have helped her to gain an additional income of RM750 per month. With her success, we are now expanding our project to other areas in Kedah.
Currently, we are engaging with more target audiences in Changlun and Jitra area but with every progress that we make, it requires more cost as there will be more equipments and machinery needed for our target audiences to start doing the project. Since our target audiences are from poor financial background, Enactus UUM will be the one providing the machines to them under installment basis.
For every machine purchase, the cost that we have to bear is RM 1,000 and currently, we need 5 more machines to help lessening the burden of our target audiences. Therefore, the help from the community is much needed to continue expand our project and help more underprivileged people in the northern area.
There is no specific criteria to join this project. However, we do encourage the underprivileged community to join as it can help them to have an additional income. Regardless, if you do not belong in the category, you are welcome to join us as long as you have the passion and interest to preserve the environment.
Enactus is an entrepreneurial-based organization which organizes community projects to help the one in need and strive to shape a better world. We are previously knowns as SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) and has just recently re-branded into ENACTUS (Entrepreneurial ACTion Us), To put it in a more precise manner, we are a community of students, academicians and business leaders committed to use the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a more sustainable world.
Below is the chart of our project:
For the latest activities and updates on our organization, you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram- EnactusUUM
Co&coal是一个由马来西亚北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)所创立的一个项目。北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)创立这个项目的主要目的是为了帮助在北部贫困的居民提高他们的生活水平让他们可以创业。椰子壳是这个项目所使用的最主要的原料。
在马来西亚北部, 很多椰子壳并没有被妥善的处置。其实主要的原因是因为很多贩卖椰浆的小贩缺乏环保意识。他们并不知道椰子壳可以再利用循环。北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)通过这个项目把废弃的椰子壳转换成具有市场价值的椰壳火炭并且减少了环境污染的问题。我们提倡环保还有绿化环境的意识。在这个项目里,我们用标准的操作规程来教导民众如何利用废弃的椰子壳生产成高品质的椰壳火炭。
Co&coal这个项目创立至今,我们已经和一位来自吉打布秧河谷(Lembah Bujang)的妇女合作生产椰壳火炭。在我们的帮组下,她已经可以独自生产和售卖的椰壳火炭。这份职位也为她带来了每个月750令吉额外的收入。也因为拥有这个成功的例子,我们决定在吉打州扩展我们的项目。
目前我们还需要5个器材来帮组减少民众的负担。每一次购买器材,北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)需要承担的费用是1000令吉。所以我们需要更多的资金来让我们继续扩展我们的项目以便帮组更多的北部居民。
关于北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)
创行(Enactus)是一个国际非盈利组织通过具有企业家精神的实践行动共同为社区做出积极改变,帮助有需要帮助的人。创行(Enactus)原名为国际大学生企业家联盟(Student in free enterprise)。我们运用企业家的方式和积极的商业力量,自主运作创新公益项目,以帮助需要帮助的人们提高生活质量与水平。
预知更多详情 可以追踪我们的Facebook还有Instagram – EnactusUUM
The main obstacle in this project would be the starting cost of the project which involves the equipments and machinery. For now, we go by donation drive and partnership with companies in order to get the amount that is needed but as the project gets bigger, we will be needing more fund to support our target audiences.
这个项目主要面对的问题是成本。由于许多民众都没有办法负担这个项目的成本。所以北方大学创行会先帮助民众承担这笔费用。现在我们正在积极的向民众募捐还有与公司合作来获取足够的资金。 扩展这个项目需要庞大的经费所以我们需要更多资金来帮组这些民众。你的帮助是我们最大的动力!
Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
Joined October 2017
An enthusiastic volunteer -The reason why I started volunteering is because helping people gives meaning to my life and changes me from being purely self-centered to being something with meaning for others too. Besides, regardless of how big or small the contribution is, I find it to be incredibly satisfying to know that my work has impacted others.
Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
Joined October 2017
An enthusiastic volunteer -The reason why I started volunteering is because helping people gives meaning to my life and changes me from being purely self-centered to being something with meaning for... See More
Co&Coal is a project initiated under ENACTUS UUM, which aspires to improve the living standard and quality of life of the underprivileged in northern region of Malaysia by using entrepreneurial action. Coconut, which has high utilization value is the main ingredient in this project.
However, most of the coconut shell waste is thrown away due to the lack of knowledge of the coconut milk sellers’ on proper ways to dispose them. Through this project, we are turning the coconut shell waste into marketable product, the coconut charcoal, subsequently reduce the environmental issues. We are also tackling various environmental issues while fostering entrepreneurs with this sustainable “Go-green” concept. In this project, we are empowering our target audiences with the necessary skills and knowledge on how to transform the coconut shells waste into high quality charcoal with simple Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that is designed by us.
For now, one of our target audiences, who goes by the name MakSu is now independent and able to sustain herself with our product which have helped her to gain an additional income of RM750 per month. With her success, we are now expanding our project to other areas in Kedah.
Currently, we are engaging with more target audiences in Changlun and Jitra area but with every progress that we make, it requires more cost as there will be more equipments and machinery needed for our target audiences to start doing the project. Since our target audiences are from poor financial background, Enactus UUM will be the one providing the machines to them under installment basis.
For every machine purchase, the cost that we have to bear is RM 1,000 and currently, we need 5 more machines to help lessening the burden of our target audiences. Therefore, the help from the community is much needed to continue expand our project and help more underprivileged people in the northern area.
There is no specific criteria to join this project. However, we do encourage the underprivileged community to join as it can help them to have an additional income. Regardless, if you do not belong in the category, you are welcome to join us as long as you have the passion and interest to preserve the environment.
Enactus is an entrepreneurial-based organization which organizes community projects to help the one in need and strive to shape a better world. We are previously knowns as SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) and has just recently re-branded into ENACTUS (Entrepreneurial ACTion Us), To put it in a more precise manner, we are a community of students, academicians and business leaders committed to use the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a more sustainable world.
Below is the chart of our project:
For the latest activities and updates on our organization, you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram- EnactusUUM
Co&coal是一个由马来西亚北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)所创立的一个项目。北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)创立这个项目的主要目的是为了帮助在北部贫困的居民提高他们的生活水平让他们可以创业。椰子壳是这个项目所使用的最主要的原料。
在马来西亚北部, 很多椰子壳并没有被妥善的处置。其实主要的原因是因为很多贩卖椰浆的小贩缺乏环保意识。他们并不知道椰子壳可以再利用循环。北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)通过这个项目把废弃的椰子壳转换成具有市场价值的椰壳火炭并且减少了环境污染的问题。我们提倡环保还有绿化环境的意识。在这个项目里,我们用标准的操作规程来教导民众如何利用废弃的椰子壳生产成高品质的椰壳火炭。
Co&coal这个项目创立至今,我们已经和一位来自吉打布秧河谷(Lembah Bujang)的妇女合作生产椰壳火炭。在我们的帮组下,她已经可以独自生产和售卖的椰壳火炭。这份职位也为她带来了每个月750令吉额外的收入。也因为拥有这个成功的例子,我们决定在吉打州扩展我们的项目。
目前我们还需要5个器材来帮组减少民众的负担。每一次购买器材,北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)需要承担的费用是1000令吉。所以我们需要更多的资金来让我们继续扩展我们的项目以便帮组更多的北部居民。
关于北方大学创行(Enactus UUM)
创行(Enactus)是一个国际非盈利组织通过具有企业家精神的实践行动共同为社区做出积极改变,帮助有需要帮助的人。创行(Enactus)原名为国际大学生企业家联盟(Student in free enterprise)。我们运用企业家的方式和积极的商业力量,自主运作创新公益项目,以帮助需要帮助的人们提高生活质量与水平。
预知更多详情 可以追踪我们的Facebook还有Instagram – EnactusUUM
The main obstacle in this project would be the starting cost of the project which involves the equipments and machinery. For now, we go by donation drive and partnership with companies in order to get the amount that is needed but as the project gets bigger, we will be needing more fund to support our target audiences.
这个项目主要面对的问题是成本。由于许多民众都没有办法负担这个项目的成本。所以北方大学创行会先帮助民众承担这笔费用。现在我们正在积极的向民众募捐还有与公司合作来获取足够的资金。 扩展这个项目需要庞大的经费所以我们需要更多资金来帮组这些民众。你的帮助是我们最大的动力!
Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
Joined October 2017
An enthusiastic volunteer -The reason why I started volunteering is because helping people gives meaning to my life and changes me from being purely self-centered to being something with meaning for others too. Besides, regardless of how big or small the contribution is, I find it to be incredibly satisfying to know that my work has impacted others.